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Spain is cheap, that no longer sells

It is a headline that will need a deep explanation, because it is not that everything has changed overnight. However, the tendency to offer products Made in Spain Gourmet it already emerges in such a way that one can only look outside to develop it.
Spain is cheap, that no longer sells

Cycle change

We are people who are used to Premium products. We have advised brands and people who are very demanding and who only wanted the best, otherwise they did not want it. For this reason, the value of the brand and the the packaging It is so important to attract the most demanding public. From day 1 of Made in Spain Gourmet, one of the 4 most important points was the the packaging, the other 3 are also important, quality of the product, storytelling and people who are the owners of the brand.

the filter of the packaging It was very important so that the new consumers that we would bring to the Spanish brands would fall in love with the product due to its external appearance. And what was our surprise, very pleasant, by the way, that Spanish gourmet products had already been activated, and a large majority began to give importance to the external presence of the product. That aspect, as simple as it seems, is decisive for the first time you see a product. And from that distant 2020, to date, the change is notorious, and each time we find products that are already very attractive on the outside, and it makes our promotional work easier. But there's still a lot to do.
Spain is cheap, that no longer sells
Spain is cheap, that no longer sells

The value of the product is not enough

in this segment Gourmet, it is assumed that the product is excellent, at least of quality, but that is an important aspect, but not the only one for it to position itself in the market. Every day competition increases in all markets, and the Gourmet was not going to be an exception. The number of brands grows or they simply evolve creating a new high-end line. And that means that you have to fight much more to gain a foothold in that crowded market. Thus, quality before was almost decisive, now it is an essential value, but it is one more.

And what is also important? Well, first of all, the the packaging As I have explained previously, the highest quality on the continent. To more easily attract the consumer who wants new stimuli (colors, materials that give the sensation of a unique product, etc.). For many producers with these two steps, they believe that everything is done. That is your responsibility. Well, they are very wrong. Those two steps give you the “right” to play the game, but not give you a chance to win it. Not much less.

It then touches on two aspects that are closely linked in the XNUMXst century and more so since the advent of social networks: the marketing and commercial action. They go together, and cannot be left in the hands of external companies, unless they do not want to be linked to the objectives of the brand. This means that, if a marketing and commercial plan is created together, the results have to provide more joint development in the future. That's what we do at Made in Spain Gourmet. We accompany our partners (the producers) who are in our online gourmet shop, to develop different types of commercial channels that are associated with a customized marketing plan. In other words, we walk together to develop opportunities and share business generation. This objective of commitment is very difficult to achieve from companies that are only dedicated to distribution, if attachments go beyond economic ones.

For us the market good gourmet food is the only one that interests us, so there is no cheating in what our objectives are: to develop internationally: the products good gourmet food Spanish so that they are increasingly known and, consequently, more purchased.
Spain is cheap, that no longer sells
Spain is cheap, that no longer sells

Fair price of the product: add marketing

The condition sine qua non In order not to be afraid of the price that a product deserves, and that you should not basically fight for this concept with the competition, it is to be clear about which market you want to go to. The market good gourmet food It is demanding, yes, but finite, so expanding markets means going beyond borders and looking towards other countries. And it is here where marketing takes its full dimension to give value to the product and the brand. And it is that if you do not invest in the brand you do not exist and the competition occupies your space. Our partners I explain an example that you understand perfectly: Moet chandonIf everyone knows you, why do you keep investing in the brand: advertising, sponsorship, events, etc.? Well, it's very simple, because if it didn't, other brands would and could take its place, the consumer forgets quickly and is always open to new communications and new products. And if you want to reach new audiences you must adapt your communication to them. And that means that you have to have a constant presence in digital channels if you want to be recognized and of course, convert that recognition into sales.

How else do we want a final consumer to demand a product and a brand if they don't know it? Will we leave it in external hands that will never be linked to our brand and our brand philosophy?

Well good luck Spanish gourmet producer if you want to survive in this highly competitive market.

Remember that defending the price that a product deserves is not easy when you don't know, let alone know, the differences with respect to the competition, which probably has a cheaper and lower quality product, but which has been on the market for longer “thanks” to the fact that Spain entered several international markets due to price and with less quality.

Changing that is very difficult if you do not position yourself, from the beginning in the category Gourmetwith all the consequences. That is to say, Price, Products, Advertising (Communication today) and Place (distribution), the 4 P's of a lifetime.

Huge opportunities internationally

We have been around since 2020, and we have only been able to observe great opportunities in international markets for Spanish gourmet products. Our speech, direct and transparent, penetrates and is immediately understood when they know our philosophy and the Spanish gourmet products to which we associate them. Europe is in need of our products, but markets like Asia and, above all, the United States, from the point of view Gourmet Spanish, are almost to be discovered.

We only share what we see every day. Time passes, don't waste it.
made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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