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García Mimbrero: love and devotion for his land

The goal of this Extremaduran company is simple: to produce Iberian products that are recognized as excellent. And a little more. For this, a lot of sacrifice to do it well and something more innovative, knowing how to explain how it should be to the general public.
García Mimbrero: love and devotion for his land
Reaching this mark, as on many other occasions, was not in a direct way. How difficult it is to know the best brands that make Spanish gourmet products… in Spain itself! A good greedy Carlos Soto, who knows how we select Spanish gourmet brands, called me one day and told me that I should meet this family. Because above all, they did things very well. His judgment has never failed him, why would this be the first time? Well, he didn't fail this time either.

Many things have changed since Rafael García Mimbrero founded, in Fuente de Cantos (Extremadura), what he called “La Casa” in 1956. But there is something that remains intact over the decades: his work and dedication in caring for of their pigs. Always aimed at offering its customers Iberian products of the highest quality possible. Because that sensitivity to always seek excellence is what immediately connected me with Rafael García, one of the owners, and creator of the branding and strategy of the brand at a novel offline and online level.

A great product available to everyone

Not everyone knows that the Iberian pig needs something more than the grasses, roots, flowers and mushrooms that it finds in the wonderful Extremadura pasture in its case. These are insufficient for their development, and the acorns only occur at a very specific time of year. Thus, García Mimbrero, during an early period of time, fed their pigs with feed manufactured in-house, controlling all processes and qualities. As it was done before.

Following the entire production chain of your feed, from its formulation to its manufacturing. In this way, they guarantee the most appropriate diet for their pigs. And this impacts in two ways:

– They always ensure the highest quality of the food they provide to their animals.
– As they follow a homogeneous diet for their pigs, they also obtain a unique flavor that never changes and is easy to recognize and remember. That seal of the highest quality based on artisanal but also professional processes.
García Mimbrero: love and devotion for his land
García Mimbrero: love and devotion for his land

They adapt artisanal and traditional methods

To complete the entire process, they make their sausages in a traditional way; and they leave the correct profiling, salting and drying of their hams and shoulders in the hands of their master ham makers.

At García Mimbrero they always keep in mind the 3 main ingredients that they apply in the production of their products, and in the care of their pigs: the best Tradition, Love and the full Dedication.

This is what really allows you to offer your customers healthy and best quality products.

Pigs raised free in communion with nature

A unique animal, such as the Iberian pig, needs a unique place in which to grow, such as the pasture.

A space that is only found in the east and southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, and that is an ecological paradise for this noble animal. In the Extremadura pasture the Iberian pig enjoys freedom, shelter and food. Roaming freely through these pastures, they find wild shoots, mushrooms and also, during the months of October to March, their greatest treasure. The acorn, which gives it that characteristic and intoxicating infiltrate in its meat.

We are talking, then, about a ham that will not leave indifferent lovers of Iberian pork and its high-end products, in what represents the best of Spanish gastronomy.

But also some very exclusive Iberian sausages, which are really made with love.
García Mimbrero: love and devotion for his land

How do García Mimbrero make this wonder possible?

Because their 100% acorn-fed Iberian ham has everything a great ham should have.

- Race: a lineage of 100% Iberian ancestry.
- Feeding: The animal has just reached its ideal weight in montanera. With a acorn-based diet, sprouts and herbs.
- Healing: a careful 100% natural process lasting 36 months.

Using the completely artisanal process and technology always at the service of gastronomic excellence. Without a doubt, an excellent 100% acorn-fed Iberian ham.

You can enjoy their black labels on our website, and also a curiosity, a blue label ham. And you will wonder what is so special about it. This is a ham that comes from an animal raised free in the Extremaduran countryside, a cross between an Iberian pig and a Duroc Jersey, fed with García Mimbrero's own feed, and the numerous root herbs found in the countryside. Flavor, aroma, texture and exceptional juiciness of this unusual Ham (that's why it is given the blue label). It will surprise you with its juiciness and the quality of its meat. Because these pigs also live in freedom. A real best seller and it is their most rebellious ham!
As always Made in Spain Gourmet, offers only the best of our country.
made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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