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Spanish ham dodges the crisis: exports grow 3,7% in the third quarter of 2020


We are in luck. And as we predict in, our most qualitative products have an international outlet.

El Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium (CJSE) has sold 549.041 pieces in the third quarter of 2020, compared to the 529.430 obtained during the same period of the previous year, which represents a growth of 3,7% in its exports despite the economic situation derived from the pandemic.

Specifically, the most significant increase occurred in July, when a rise of 26,09% was appreciated - with 62.865 sealed parts- a figure much higher than in 2019, when 49.857 pieces were registered.

These magnificent data recorded by the Consortium show the upward trend of this sector at present, since during the first half of the year there was a 3,9% increase in exports going from sealing 331.151 pieces in 2019 to 344.081 in 2020, highlighting the great reception of the European Union, our first market, as Germany, France, Belgium or the Netherlands.

These data convey the confidence that consumers, but also distributors have in Premium and top quality Spanish gastronomic products.

And the European Union constitutes the natural market for the Spanish food sector, since represents approximately 80% of total exports. And we hope that this spearhead that is ham, as a flagship product, will carry other products such as extra virgin olive oil and others. The remaining 20% ​​of exports are destined for other countries such as United States, China or Australia, which have also registered a notable growth in exports during the first half of 2020

International trade: pending issue for high quality ham

The Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium is currently present in more than 65 markets, through a sector plan developed together with ICEX that focuses its promotional activity on four strategic markets such as Germany, France, Sweden and Mexico.

Furthermore, the 28 partners that are currently grouped under the Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium They represent around 60% of the exports of cured ham, 40% -45% of the production and 35% of the export of high quality ham.

From what we can see, there is still a long way to go to make exports of that 35% of high quality ham grow to a higher number.  focuses on premium Spanish gastronomic products of the highest quality, still unknown internationally, and where the work of generating value on the brands that are on our platform will be fundamental for the recognition by the European and international consumer.

Spanish ham dodges the crisis: exports grow 3,7% in the third quarter of 2020

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We are in luck. And as we predict in, our most qualitative products have an international outlet.

El Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium (CJSE) has sold 549.041 pieces in the third quarter of 2020, compared to the 529.430 obtained during the same period of the previous year, which represents a growth of 3,7% in its exports despite the economic situation derived from the pandemic.

Specifically, the most significant increase occurred in July, when a rise of 26,09% was appreciated - with 62.865 sealed parts- a figure much higher than in 2019, when 49.857 pieces were registered.

These magnificent data recorded by the Consortium show the upward trend of this sector at present, since during the first half of the year there was a 3,9% increase in exports going from sealing 331.151 pieces in 2019 to 344.081 in 2020, highlighting the great reception of the European Union, our first market, as Germany, France, Belgium or the Netherlands.

These data convey the confidence that consumers, but also distributors have in Premium and top quality Spanish gastronomic products.

And the European Union constitutes the natural market for the Spanish food sector, since represents approximately 80% of total exports. And we hope that this spearhead that is ham, as a flagship product, will carry other products such as extra virgin olive oil and others. The remaining 20% ​​of exports are destined for other countries such as United States, China or Australia, which have also registered a notable growth in exports during the first half of 2020

International trade: pending issue for high quality ham

The Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium is currently present in more than 65 markets, through a sector plan developed together with ICEX that focuses its promotional activity on four strategic markets such as Germany, France, Sweden and Mexico.

Furthermore, the 28 partners that are currently grouped under the Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium They represent around 60% of the exports of cured ham, 40% -45% of the production and 35% of the export of high quality ham.

From what we can see, there is still a long way to go to make exports of that 35% of high quality ham grow to a higher number.  focuses on premium Spanish gastronomic products of the highest quality, still unknown internationally, and where the work of generating value on the brands that are on our platform will be fundamental for the recognition by the European and international consumer.

Spanish ham dodges the crisis: exports grow 3,7% in the third quarter of 2020

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