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Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)

It is a pleasure to be able to share with you two of our producers, Maria Rosas (Setacor) and Joan Roca (Casa Cacao). And it is that Setacor ended the year on a very good footing. Being one of the gastronomic products of 2022 according to BBVA, having the three-starred chef as a jury. He was one of the 10 winners. Made in Spain Gourmet, always with unique producers and with the potential to conquer the gourmet gastronomic world.
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)

The BBVA-Celler Can Roca Awards for sustainable producers

These awards are held annually and last summer Setacor had the opportunity to be part of the 2022 awards. They wrote a report on their circular project and sent it to the organization. They honestly thought that the number of companies that would apply would be so great that being one of the chosen ones was almost an impossible mission. Because in Spain there are many people who work very well on sustainability, we are a world power, gastronomically speaking. It was already a dream that he Chef Joan Roca could know about us. That was the reward they would have left at least. But not, setacor, has a star, and could have been one of the winners.
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)

Setacor, a lifetime being sustainable

And it is that after 20 years of experience, they have closed the circle of substrates, achieving a milestone in the sector with the zero residue. They grow mushrooms on the olive leaves of their fields and, when the substrate is exhausted, they return to the olive grove to nourish the soil and the trees. In this way, they manage to sequester several tons of Co2 per year. This is an initiative that we hope many more companies in Spain will follow. We could reduce the amounts of Co2 enormously.

setacor pioneer in the cultivation of the pink, yellow, mane, barbuda, sun mushroom, etc., in Spain.

And it develops a series of gourmet products such as mushroom vegetable pates, mushroom vinaigrette, mushroom flour and dehydrated mushrooms that you can find on our website and enjoy at home.
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)

Joan Roca, a chef with a star

Joan is a chef currently recognized as number 3 in the world among chefs on a planetary level. The owner together with his brothers Jordi and Josep del Celler Can Roca Group, which brings together restaurants, and its own brands such as Cocoa House.

At the awards ceremony, he was able to chat with us and the other 9 winners as sustainable producers 2022. And we were reassured to know the tendency of the new generations to invest again in family businesses, but innovating and internationalizing the business, in order to become profitable and with the potential to continue growing.

Remember that El Celler de Can Roca It has been chosen several times as the best restaurant in the world, and it is in that very small list of restaurants that, outside of the annual classifications, is considered one of the best of all time. There it is!!

Joan Roca's Mushroom Tart

The recipe has us in love for its simplicity and originality.

- 30g of mushrooms
- 2g pepper
- 20g sugar
- 125ml vinegar
- 100g extra virgin olive oil
- 300g mona lisa potatoes.
- 90g cream cheese (creme fraïche)
- 45g cream
- 15g egg yolk
- 25g egg white

Step 1: Marinate 30g mushrooms in 160g water, 2g pepper, 1 bay leaf unit, 20g sugar and 125ml vinegar and 100g extra virgin olive oil for 6 seconds.

Joan Roca recommends that dried mushrooms gain more flavor and are precisely the trick of this recipe because they provide umami, that is, all the flavor.

If you don't have time, you can use 300g of Setacor mushroom vinaigrette or escabeche, which are already pickled.

Step 2: drain the mushrooms and cover with extra virgin olive oil. Reserve in the fridge for 24 hours.

Step 3: Make a puree with 300g mona lisa potatoes.

Step 4: Blend all the ingredients, with 90g cream cheese, 45g cream, 15g egg yolk, 25g egg white and pour them into a container lined with parchment paper.

Step 5: Bake 9 min.

It can be served cold or slightly hot.
Joan Roca's Setacor Mushroom Tart (Celler de Can Roca)
From Made in Spain Gourmet We are particularly happy to contribute to the dissemination and marketing of Setacor products, in which we bet that they will be widely recognized shortly, because they are of high quality and are highly recommended for health.
made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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