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What is the best sugar substitute: Sucralín


We are not in favor of rankings, but in this case it is very important that we explain the parameters of our criteria, to affirm that Sucralín is, without a doubt, the best alternative to sugar.

What is the best sugar substitute: Sucralín 

the natural origin

Nowadays, we are aware or at least we like to know the origin of the food we eat. And it is not an exception that our clients appreciate knowing the origin of Sucralin. Precisely we insist that it comes from sugar cane, that is, from the same as sugar. This natural origin differentiates us from the majority of well-established sugar substitutes on the market, but which are not of natural origin. From the beginning, we wanted to convey that, if we introduced an alternative, it should be the closest thing to what is current, but with all the positive characteristics that sugar could not offer. Reaching the greatest number of people has been and is our main objective, because everyone deserves a healthy sweetener that is suitable for everyone.

Suitable for people with diabetes

When we want to say that our consumer is all the people who want a healthier sweetener than sugar, there is a group that has always worried us, and that was our highest priority: people with diabetes. For them, giving up or drastically reducing the amount of sugar is an obligation for health reasons. Sucralin It was created precisely to meet this need, and that no one should give up sweets for health reasons. Having created a product suitable for everyone, including people with diabetes, fills us with pride and satisfaction, and above all, being congratulated every week by people whose lives we changed when they discovered Sucralin. We have brought happiness and health to people who will never again have to give up sweets for health reasons.

Allows cooking and baking

Unlike other alternatives that only sweeten beverages, yogurts or other products superficially, Sucralin took a very important leap to enter the kitchen of all the people who really wanted to change the habits of sweetening with something other than sugar exclusively. The significant investment in innovation that it has always made Sucralin, has led him to offer a product that is a guarantee as an alternative to being used for cooking and even baking with it. Obtaining spectacular results, both in taste and in the ostensible reduction of the final calories of the recipe. That was, without a doubt, the great leap for it to become the definitive alternative to sugar. Because if it is important to be able to use it in the kitchen, not having side effects like polyalcohols (maltitol, erythitrol, etc.) have, it made it unbeatable in this aspect.

Healthy for the pancreas and the liver

If sugar is a product not indicated for people with diabetes, who cannot produce the insulin generated by the pancreas, and also causes other diseases such as hypertension and overweight, there are alternatives that cause, in their higher intakes, other types of problems. with other vital organs such as the liver. The phenylalanine that sweeteners such as aspartame do have, can cause diseases such as phenylketonuria, which must be treated chronically in patients. One more time Sucralin it becomes the healthier alternative to sugar. In addition, it does not cause cavities unlike sugar.

Ideal for the whole family, slimming diets

Keeping the weight off isn't just for people who really need it, it's something we all need to do. Taking care of yourself is essential, and reducing the calories in our meals too. Sucralin It is suitable for all ages, the smallest, exposed to many foods with sugar, and for adults, who do not need excessive amounts of sugar in our diet. Thanks to its few calories, it is also highly recommended for people who do need to lose weight, although to do so, they will not have to give up sweets thanks to Sucralin.

An unbeatable equivalence

One of the secrets of Sucralin is that it should be used in very little quantity to sweeten, sucralose is very sweet, much more so than sugar. In the case of Sucralin, we were talking about each gram of it is equivalent to a minimum of 7g of sugarr, and therefore its use is considerably less to obtain the same sweetness. Reducing calories and extending the life of our products much more than other alternatives, which do sweeten, but need much more product to sweeten.

Made in Spain: quality assured

Although it seems a minor aspect, Sucralin was created in Spain and is manufactured in Spain, using the best raw materials on the market, and this guarantees that the final product is of the highest quality, a decisive reason for differentiation with respect to other alternatives, which are more affordable, but they do not know its origin. Health is what matters most to us Sucralin, and we could only offer the best product made from the best possible ingredients.

We hope that all these arguments are enough to make the test and take Sucralin, later, its flavor and everything we have said before, will make you stay with us, forever.

What is the best sugar substitute: Sucralín

made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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We are not in favor of rankings, but in this case it is very important that we explain the parameters of our criteria, to affirm that Sucralín is, without a doubt, the best alternative to sugar.

What is the best sugar substitute: Sucralín 

the natural origin

Nowadays, we are aware or at least we like to know the origin of the food we eat. And it is not an exception that our clients appreciate knowing the origin of Sucralin. Precisely we insist that it comes from sugar cane, that is, from the same as sugar. This natural origin differentiates us from the majority of well-established sugar substitutes on the market, but which are not of natural origin. From the beginning, we wanted to convey that, if we introduced an alternative, it should be the closest thing to what is current, but with all the positive characteristics that sugar could not offer. Reaching the greatest number of people has been and is our main objective, because everyone deserves a healthy sweetener that is suitable for everyone.

Suitable for people with diabetes

When we want to say that our consumer is all the people who want a healthier sweetener than sugar, there is a group that has always worried us, and that was our highest priority: people with diabetes. For them, giving up or drastically reducing the amount of sugar is an obligation for health reasons. Sucralin It was created precisely to meet this need, and that no one should give up sweets for health reasons. Having created a product suitable for everyone, including people with diabetes, fills us with pride and satisfaction, and above all, being congratulated every week by people whose lives we changed when they discovered Sucralin. We have brought happiness and health to people who will never again have to give up sweets for health reasons.

Allows cooking and baking

Unlike other alternatives that only sweeten beverages, yogurts or other products superficially, Sucralin took a very important leap to enter the kitchen of all the people who really wanted to change the habits of sweetening with something other than sugar exclusively. The significant investment in innovation that it has always made Sucralin, has led him to offer a product that is a guarantee as an alternative to being used for cooking and even baking with it. Obtaining spectacular results, both in taste and in the ostensible reduction of the final calories of the recipe. That was, without a doubt, the great leap for it to become the definitive alternative to sugar. Because if it is important to be able to use it in the kitchen, not having side effects like polyalcohols (maltitol, erythitrol, etc.) have, it made it unbeatable in this aspect.

Healthy for the pancreas and the liver

If sugar is a product not indicated for people with diabetes, who cannot produce the insulin generated by the pancreas, and also causes other diseases such as hypertension and overweight, there are alternatives that cause, in their higher intakes, other types of problems. with other vital organs such as the liver. The phenylalanine that sweeteners such as aspartame do have, can cause diseases such as phenylketonuria, which must be treated chronically in patients. One more time Sucralin it becomes the healthier alternative to sugar. In addition, it does not cause cavities unlike sugar.

Ideal for the whole family, slimming diets

Keeping the weight off isn't just for people who really need it, it's something we all need to do. Taking care of yourself is essential, and reducing the calories in our meals too. Sucralin It is suitable for all ages, the smallest, exposed to many foods with sugar, and for adults, who do not need excessive amounts of sugar in our diet. Thanks to its few calories, it is also highly recommended for people who do need to lose weight, although to do so, they will not have to give up sweets thanks to Sucralin.

An unbeatable equivalence

One of the secrets of Sucralin is that it should be used in very little quantity to sweeten, sucralose is very sweet, much more so than sugar. In the case of Sucralin, we were talking about each gram of it is equivalent to a minimum of 7g of sugarr, and therefore its use is considerably less to obtain the same sweetness. Reducing calories and extending the life of our products much more than other alternatives, which do sweeten, but need much more product to sweeten.

Made in Spain: quality assured

Although it seems a minor aspect, Sucralin was created in Spain and is manufactured in Spain, using the best raw materials on the market, and this guarantees that the final product is of the highest quality, a decisive reason for differentiation with respect to other alternatives, which are more affordable, but they do not know its origin. Health is what matters most to us Sucralin, and we could only offer the best product made from the best possible ingredients.

We hope that all these arguments are enough to make the test and take Sucralin, later, its flavor and everything we have said before, will make you stay with us, forever.

What is the best sugar substitute: Sucralín

made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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