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Verticalization: the key for your brand to reach the ideal consumer

Today's gourmet market makes it difficult for brands to scale their business quickly. We realized this right away when we started to develop our B2B. The lack of knowledge of the sales force of the different markets, and worst of all, of the international distributors, made us reflect on specialization.
Verticalization: the key for your brand to reach the ideal consumer

Specialization: accelerating relationships positively

The world that we "enjoy" today demands a lot of knowledge, and in addition it must be acquired quickly, it must be fully mastered, and it must be played on the field better than anyone. That is not easy to find in your sales force (if you have one) if your projection is national, and I am not telling you if it is international.

How to deal with the different commercial strategies, when it is not clear how it is going to be done outside your borders, further complicates the roadmap to follow. And then comes the concept of time. That it is the same for everyone, but that, if it is not planned correctly, the feeling of losing it will fly over us every week of the year. It is for these reasons that, in Made in Spain Gourmet We believe that the best way to reduce time, generate more brand value, and ultimately, obtain higher sales and greater profitability, is a marketing strategy. verticalization.

Verticalization is the strategy we employ in order to become a specialist in sales and marketing in the sector good gourmet food of Spanish products.

When we talk to the different markets (at this stage we are in we could basically talk about Europe), they all have the same diagnosis: Spain is not represented in the gourmet category. And that does not mean that there are no Spanish gourmet products, but they are not homogeneous, as a powerful, omnipresent Spanish brand, setting the pace and the trend. You can find, for example, in Nicossia (Cyprus) a spectacular Spanish brand of chocolate-coated figs and enviable packaging, but that same Cypriot client (a business client with a delicatessen, who works with elite restaurants and luxury hotels) does not They have no idea of ​​positioning our EVOO and they opt exclusively for Sicilian oil (because they have come to see them to present their Sicilian products). Of course, when you open his mind with claims such as "in Spain we have more than 270 varieties of olives and our oils are not homogeneous between them, they have nuances, which chefs value to improve and innovate in their dishes", suddenly, our Cypriot customer realizes that Made in Spain Gourmet tries to advise him and ends up agreeing to try our EVOO's with great curiosity. The sale will close much faster, when she tries the product and tears of emotion come to her eyes.

Conclusion: without vision of verticalization you will not know which are the specialties of the gourmet sector that make it up, and which are essential to achieve success in the business. And it is to have specialists, it is a necessity and an investment for the present and future economic well-being of the Company. Our figure is there where it emerges to be an almost essential support point to advise, on the one hand, but also to implement on the other.
Verticalization: the key for your brand to reach the ideal consumer
Verticalization: the key for your brand to reach the ideal consumer
Verticalization: the key for your brand to reach the ideal consumer
The primary approach we use is the use of a delimited geographic model, not necessarily marked by countries but by areas, where sales and marketing are focused with surgical precision. Because we are experts as clients greedy and as marketing experts.

Supporting the brand from marketing is essential. If we believe that promotional/commercial actions can be done without the support of communication, we are very wrong. Communication is not focused only on our own social networks, but we also share it with our partners (stores, distributors, etc.), creating a community that encourages people to learn more about our brand and the products we sell. Made in Spain select the partners strategic with which we believe that growth can be progressive and long-term, because they must share human values ​​that allow us to make as few mistakes as possible when choosing them.

These specialized skills result in deeper and more meaningful customer engagements (they like us better and buy more of our products). As we are more focused with some of the partners, we obtain more repeatability in purchases and increase the probability of success. It goes without saying that more success means more income and more profit.

Why should you verticalize your gourmet brand?

The The advantages of this sales strategy are multiple: more customers, higher income, improved customer experience, greater brand awareness, increased profitability and growth, productivity in each area that makes up the company, etc. These factors will undoubtedly help to modify the organizational culture and become a company focused on internationalization, to obtain international recognition of its products. good gourmet food.

However, it is not easy to make that change if you do not have the right people for that specialization. And if you have them, they are not easy to retain.

The upright model (versus regional) adds travel costs and expenses. And this approach could result in ignoring key markets and opportunities.

And that is why our figure, who has a broader vision of markets, works as a funnel to channel the best opportunities, filtering and optimizing them. Regardless of which specific market they come from. They take advantage of our growth and global vision that provides more accurate decisions and with a much more immediate response.

It is necessary to highlight that Every business model has its benefits and drawbacks. based on big changes that gourmet brands must make to obtain long-term returns. The verticalization means a leap in the quality of the system forcing companies good gourmet food companies to deepen their areas through specialization and to build stronger relationships with professionals like us, transforming the relationship into a partnership where commitment and professionalism are above all else. Spain deserves that opportunity, for those of us who want it at the top of the pedestal. If you think so, we are your partner to grow internationally.
made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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