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A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin


It was about time that we debuted with the recipe for a paella. One of the most universal dishes of our gastronomy, and that, with the right products, the experience of enjoying it can be even more exceptional. Join us!

A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin

Create an experience Gourmet with Spanish products It is becoming a trend that people of international origin value and want to enjoy. And we are very happy that it is so.
We think that much more work should be done between all the connectors that exist in the national market to develop this category, the Spanish Gourmet Food Experience. Online stores, Restaurants, Wineries, Hotels, people who organize gastronomic experiences, Bloggers, journalists and of course brands.

Because what you want, like Made in Spain Lover It is having a good time and knowing more and better our gastronomy thanks to people who know how to transmit it. That easy.

A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin

Paella, universal Spanish recipe

La paellawhat to say about her. A dish that is eaten on the 4 continents, and bears the seal of Made in Spain around the world. To make ours, the choice of rice was very easy, The Dehesa of the Albufera, a Valencian company with a rice family and a passion for Mediterranean cuisine. His philosophy when we met, in 2020, captivated us.

"We select the best product for the most demanding and exquisite palates, always certified by the Denomination of Origin Valencia - Spain." 

The Albufera of Valencia It is a coastal wetland in the province of Valencia, with more than 20.000 hectares, converted into a Natural Park in 1986. Its humid environment is what makes rice cultivation optimal and maximum quality. And have the certificate of Protected Designation of Origin Rice of Valencia, which protects and identifies rice cultivation in the Valencian Community (Spain).

Type rice varieties J Sendra, Bomb y lagoon, are perfectly adapted to the area of ​​the Albufera Natural Park, where rice cultivation exceeds 1200 years old!  Since before 1238, the conquest of Valencia, the existence of rice cultivation in this area is proven, all the wisdom acquired by generations of farmers has shaped the rice culture intrinsically linked to Valencian gastronomy made up of more than 500 bowls of rice. The rice obtained from these lands is gourmet quality, we could say that it is one of the best rice dishes in the world that one can taste.

To make our paella Made in Spain Gourmet (seafood and fish), we have two other essential products from our gourmet store that you cannot forget.

The first is saffron handcrafted from an iconic location, Montsec, in Noguera (Lleida). Safra del Montsec, is a company that was born in 2014 with the aim of contributing to the recovery of saffron cultivation in Catalonia, a region of Spain that, thanks to its location and climate, ideal for cultivation, became the area with the highest production and export of this spice in the Middle Ages.

The owners are a young couple of farmers, he Catalan and she Colombian, who bet on nature every day, living in it, of it and mainly taking care of it, going back to their roots. Committed to traditions, they cultivate a 100% natural and ecological product, using exclusive woods in the drying process. They came to help boost and rejuvenate the economy of the area.

And the second is the Santa Pola fish broth, coming from that beautiful town of Alicante (Valencian Community) will give the rice the spectacular point of maximum quality. Another project of some young people, children of fishermen and fish wholesalers, who came together to preserve the tradition of their area, which they have seen with their parents and grandparents. And if we add their higher education, we are sure they will succeed. We have already been convinced.

Its broth is prepared from fish and shellfish from Santa Pola, following the original recipe of its ancestors. A tradition that dates back centuries and that, over the years, proximity and knowledge about the product, has led them to come up with an authentic, natural recipe of the highest quality and flavor único.

In addition to being 100% healthy and suitable for any consumer, the ingredients they use are from the Marine Bay of Santa Pola, a place that stands out for its seafood, whose properties are unique, such as the high content of Omega3 (which reduces cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases). It's obvious, but I must also emphasize that it is a 100% product, without added salts, preservatives or dyes, or additives, pure sea broth!!

Perfect pairing: Premium Cava

And, last but not least, the pairing of a rice like this deserves a Premium cava, from Penedés of course, made with levels of excellence difficult to find in our country, Cava Pere Ventura.

The Pere Ventura winery was born in 1992, and its founder, with the same name, created it with the aim of making the best cava in the world. And he has achieved it. It is one of the most select companies in the sector, synonymous with elegance, style and exclusivity, with an eminently international vocation, they are in more than 50 countries, and export more than 90% of their production. The brand Peter Ventura it is different, original and unique and offers an inimitable image that speaks for itself of the product and the values ​​that inspire it: quality, elegance, distinction and exclusivity.

Honestly, we are very proud to share philosophy and good taste for doing things in an exquisite way.

A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin

And after all this emotion, all you have to do is enjoy cooking this recipe, where everyone can add their personal touches, prawns, clams, mussels, squid, for example, are our essentials. And to enjoy it in company, because it always tastes much better.

We are moved by a passion for things very well done and we support people in Spain who also want to share our values. The world can be a better place to live, if we all do our part.

made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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It was about time that we debuted with the recipe for a paella. One of the most universal dishes of our gastronomy, and that, with the right products, the experience of enjoying it can be even more exceptional. Join us!

A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin

Create an experience Gourmet with Spanish products It is becoming a trend that people of international origin value and want to enjoy. And we are very happy that it is so.
We think that much more work should be done between all the connectors that exist in the national market to develop this category, the Spanish Gourmet Food Experience. Online stores, Restaurants, Wineries, Hotels, people who organize gastronomic experiences, Bloggers, journalists and of course brands.

Because what you want, like Made in Spain Lover It is having a good time and knowing more and better our gastronomy thanks to people who know how to transmit it. That easy.

A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin

Paella, universal Spanish recipe

La paellawhat to say about her. A dish that is eaten on the 4 continents, and bears the seal of Made in Spain around the world. To make ours, the choice of rice was very easy, The Dehesa of the Albufera, a Valencian company with a rice family and a passion for Mediterranean cuisine. His philosophy when we met, in 2020, captivated us.

"We select the best product for the most demanding and exquisite palates, always certified by the Denomination of Origin Valencia - Spain." 

The Albufera of Valencia It is a coastal wetland in the province of Valencia, with more than 20.000 hectares, converted into a Natural Park in 1986. Its humid environment is what makes rice cultivation optimal and maximum quality. And have the certificate of Protected Designation of Origin Rice of Valencia, which protects and identifies rice cultivation in the Valencian Community (Spain).

Type rice varieties J Sendra, Bomb y lagoon, are perfectly adapted to the area of ​​the Albufera Natural Park, where rice cultivation exceeds 1200 years old!  Since before 1238, the conquest of Valencia, the existence of rice cultivation in this area is proven, all the wisdom acquired by generations of farmers has shaped the rice culture intrinsically linked to Valencian gastronomy made up of more than 500 bowls of rice. The rice obtained from these lands is gourmet quality, we could say that it is one of the best rice dishes in the world that one can taste.

To make our paella Made in Spain Gourmet (seafood and fish), we have two other essential products from our gourmet store that you cannot forget.

The first is saffron handcrafted from an iconic location, Montsec, in Noguera (Lleida). Safra del Montsec, is a company that was born in 2014 with the aim of contributing to the recovery of saffron cultivation in Catalonia, a region of Spain that, thanks to its location and climate, ideal for cultivation, became the area with the highest production and export of this spice in the Middle Ages.

The owners are a young couple of farmers, he Catalan and she Colombian, who bet on nature every day, living in it, of it and mainly taking care of it, going back to their roots. Committed to traditions, they cultivate a 100% natural and ecological product, using exclusive woods in the drying process. They came to help boost and rejuvenate the economy of the area.

And the second is the Santa Pola fish broth, coming from that beautiful town of Alicante (Valencian Community) will give the rice the spectacular point of maximum quality. Another project of some young people, children of fishermen and fish wholesalers, who came together to preserve the tradition of their area, which they have seen with their parents and grandparents. And if we add their higher education, we are sure they will succeed. We have already been convinced.

Its broth is prepared from fish and shellfish from Santa Pola, following the original recipe of its ancestors. A tradition that dates back centuries and that, over the years, proximity and knowledge about the product, has led them to come up with an authentic, natural recipe of the highest quality and flavor único.

In addition to being 100% healthy and suitable for any consumer, the ingredients they use are from the Marine Bay of Santa Pola, a place that stands out for its seafood, whose properties are unique, such as the high content of Omega3 (which reduces cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases). It's obvious, but I must also emphasize that it is a 100% product, without added salts, preservatives or dyes, or additives, pure sea broth!!

Perfect pairing: Premium Cava

And, last but not least, the pairing of a rice like this deserves a Premium cava, from Penedés of course, made with levels of excellence difficult to find in our country, Cava Pere Ventura.

The Pere Ventura winery was born in 1992, and its founder, with the same name, created it with the aim of making the best cava in the world. And he has achieved it. It is one of the most select companies in the sector, synonymous with elegance, style and exclusivity, with an eminently international vocation, they are in more than 50 countries, and export more than 90% of their production. The brand Peter Ventura it is different, original and unique and offers an inimitable image that speaks for itself of the product and the values ​​that inspire it: quality, elegance, distinction and exclusivity.

Honestly, we are very proud to share philosophy and good taste for doing things in an exquisite way.

A Paella Experience by Made in Spain Gourmet: only with products of Spanish origin

And after all this emotion, all you have to do is enjoy cooking this recipe, where everyone can add their personal touches, prawns, clams, mussels, squid, for example, are our essentials. And to enjoy it in company, because it always tastes much better.

We are moved by a passion for things very well done and we support people in Spain who also want to share our values. The world can be a better place to live, if we all do our part.

made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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