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Why is it so difficult to sell our gourmet products in Europe?


The million euro question. We are very close, but very close, and yet, far, far away? No, but we still have a long way to go. Of course, after two years of project, now we know what to do to conquer the continent.

Why is it so difficult to sell our gourmet products in Europe?

Spain has currently 283 Michelin star spread over 11 restaurants with three stars, 33 restaurants with the double distinction and 184 restaurants and with a star. Enough to be the gastronomic paradise and live from it? Absolutely. We continue to rely heavily on tourism to fill restaurants of that level. It is paradoxical that the accessibility of these types of restaurants is not so much for the natives, but instead for foreigners. And even so, we do not take advantage of this push to promote our gourmet products in the countries where they originate.

That's where our dilemma began when we created our online gourmet store, should we focus it only on Spaniards or only on foreigners? And time is telling us that the Spanish market is very important, because, paradoxically, it also does not know many of the gourmet products that have appeared in the last 10 years (this is an opportunity for growth in that market as well), and the market European, that little by little is losing fear and orders products on our website (we already have customers from France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Andorra and Romania.

Spanish gourmet brands at the antipodes of the French and Italian

If our products are so good, or even the best, why aren't we as in demand from Europe as French or Italian brands are? "It's hard to admit, but people in Belgium are not willing to pay more for Spanish products than Italians for the same product" he confessed. Encarnita Jimenez, born Wilrijk, but of Spanish parents. "The Italian gourmet product - our Ambassador in Belgium continued - has a long tradition and a lot of variety, and thanks to its excellent presentation and ease of distribution, its position is much higher than the Spanish one".

And the hopes for our products are not flattering, “…to convince my friends and people close to me of the benefits of Spanish gourmet products, I have to make twice the effort because they do not identify a Spanish product with a product of the highest quality. That said, a lot of work to do!” Encarnita sentenced.

And we are not doing better compared to French brands. We continue to suffer from the same ills. Lack of knowledge of our categories, and what is even more worrying: the country brand. Because I repeat, it is not the same to have a very good press of our gastronomy, than the recognition of Spanish gourmet brands at an international level, this second we are very far from our Italian and French cousins.

The keys to sell more in Europe

  1. brand content. The more the better.  That is the recipe that is similar to when the doctor tells you that to be in shape you have to do sports. But. It is what to do! And on a recurring basis. Well, the content is the same, it is an obligation if we want to be known. Short and long videos, articles, posts, interviews... people want to know about the company, how they make their products, who is behind it... etc. We know that this is where our companies are most lazy, and we recommend that, in the first place, they make a content plan, with a calendar included, because if not, it will be very difficult to maintain the rhythm of publications, and whatever happens, it is abandoned and chaos comes.
  2. Have the web in several languages. Communicating in our wonderful Spanish is useful… for Spaniards. But when we cross the Pyrenees, we must transmit in different languages, and English, although essential, is not the only language with which we must communicate who we are and what we sell. French, German and Italian are also required if we want to speed up our presence in their shopping baskets on a regular basis.
  3. Actions below the line in Europe. The Internet provides you with data, but it is cold and it is not easy to weigh. Relational marketing actions: showcookings, product presentations, etc., will allow us that more qualitative "small data", direct and human opinions about the products, comparisons with the competition, dialogue with potential buyers, seduce them with our weapons and ask their opinion of us. From there, our communication can be more accurate. 
  4. Plan of ambassadors in Europe. To scale our presence in European communication, it is advisable to find people who can represent us, before groups that could potentially be our clients. Not an easy task, because gastronomy is not fashion. We need people who know how to feel and transmit that feeling, and who can easily convince. Typical influencer profile is not valid. We need people who have a philosophy of life in gastronomy, and who like to share it with their community.

Why is it so difficult to sell our gourmet products in Europe?

We, at Made in Spain Gourmet, follow these guidelines to the letter, that is, with mandatory compliance, and it is allowing us to see the light in old Europe. Even knowing that the work and the road will be hard and very long, but at the same time, beautiful and exciting.

Brands, if you want to succeed in Europe, much more needs to be known. And invest time and money to position ourselves more and better. Why just invest in the the packaging and sending your international growth to the wheel of fortune of distributors is too high a risk to take.

made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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The million euro question. We are very close, but very close, and yet, far, far away? No, but we still have a long way to go. Of course, after two years of project, now we know what to do to conquer the continent.

Why is it so difficult to sell our gourmet products in Europe?

Spain has currently 283 Michelin star spread over 11 restaurants with three stars, 33 restaurants with the double distinction and 184 restaurants and with a star. Enough to be the gastronomic paradise and live from it? Absolutely. We continue to rely heavily on tourism to fill restaurants of that level. It is paradoxical that the accessibility of these types of restaurants is not so much for the natives, but instead for foreigners. And even so, we do not take advantage of this push to promote our gourmet products in the countries where they originate.

That's where our dilemma began when we created our online gourmet store, should we focus it only on Spaniards or only on foreigners? And time is telling us that the Spanish market is very important, because, paradoxically, it also does not know many of the gourmet products that have appeared in the last 10 years (this is an opportunity for growth in that market as well), and the market European, that little by little is losing fear and orders products on our website (we already have customers from France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Andorra and Romania.

Spanish gourmet brands at the antipodes of the French and Italian

If our products are so good, or even the best, why aren't we as in demand from Europe as French or Italian brands are? "It's hard to admit, but people in Belgium are not willing to pay more for Spanish products than Italians for the same product" he confessed. Encarnita Jimenez, born Wilrijk, but of Spanish parents. "The Italian gourmet product - our Ambassador in Belgium continued - has a long tradition and a lot of variety, and thanks to its excellent presentation and ease of distribution, its position is much higher than the Spanish one".

And the hopes for our products are not flattering, “…to convince my friends and people close to me of the benefits of Spanish gourmet products, I have to make twice the effort because they do not identify a Spanish product with a product of the highest quality. That said, a lot of work to do!” Encarnita sentenced.

And we are not doing better compared to French brands. We continue to suffer from the same ills. Lack of knowledge of our categories, and what is even more worrying: the country brand. Because I repeat, it is not the same to have a very good press of our gastronomy, than the recognition of Spanish gourmet brands at an international level, this second we are very far from our Italian and French cousins.

The keys to sell more in Europe

  1. brand content. The more the better.  That is the recipe that is similar to when the doctor tells you that to be in shape you have to do sports. But. It is what to do! And on a recurring basis. Well, the content is the same, it is an obligation if we want to be known. Short and long videos, articles, posts, interviews... people want to know about the company, how they make their products, who is behind it... etc. We know that this is where our companies are most lazy, and we recommend that, in the first place, they make a content plan, with a calendar included, because if not, it will be very difficult to maintain the rhythm of publications, and whatever happens, it is abandoned and chaos comes.
  2. Have the web in several languages. Communicating in our wonderful Spanish is useful… for Spaniards. But when we cross the Pyrenees, we must transmit in different languages, and English, although essential, is not the only language with which we must communicate who we are and what we sell. French, German and Italian are also required if we want to speed up our presence in their shopping baskets on a regular basis.
  3. Actions below the line in Europe. The Internet provides you with data, but it is cold and it is not easy to weigh. Relational marketing actions: showcookings, product presentations, etc., will allow us that more qualitative "small data", direct and human opinions about the products, comparisons with the competition, dialogue with potential buyers, seduce them with our weapons and ask their opinion of us. From there, our communication can be more accurate. 
  4. Plan of ambassadors in Europe. To scale our presence in European communication, it is advisable to find people who can represent us, before groups that could potentially be our clients. Not an easy task, because gastronomy is not fashion. We need people who know how to feel and transmit that feeling, and who can easily convince. Typical influencer profile is not valid. We need people who have a philosophy of life in gastronomy, and who like to share it with their community.

Why is it so difficult to sell our gourmet products in Europe?

We, at Made in Spain Gourmet, follow these guidelines to the letter, that is, with mandatory compliance, and it is allowing us to see the light in old Europe. Even knowing that the work and the road will be hard and very long, but at the same time, beautiful and exciting.

Brands, if you want to succeed in Europe, much more needs to be known. And invest time and money to position ourselves more and better. Why just invest in the the packaging and sending your international growth to the wheel of fortune of distributors is too high a risk to take.

made in spain gourmetIsrael Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet

AUTHOR: Israel Romero, CEO of Made in Spain Gourmet.

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